Resume Writing Do’s and Don’ts

Resume Writing Do’s and Don’ts DON’T use multi-coloured text or too many different font sizes. Italics, underlining, shading, graphics and vertical/horizontal lines or boxes are also best avoided. DO keep your resume length to a minimum – two or three pages is ideal.Verdana, Arial, Calibri or Times. DON’T include personal details such as your date

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How to plan your next career move

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In placerat urna sed eros commodo aliquam. Aenean purus sapien, gravida vel arcu at, mattis ultrices odio. Praesent sit amet aliquet neque. Aliquam sit amet porttitor mi. Cras pharetra, risus vel lacinia dictum, augue orci ornare erat, varius porta massa ligula id urna. Maecenas sagittis ut sem

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Important Things To Look For In A Great Resume

Flеxіbіlіtу Thеrе’ѕ no such thіng as “thе perfect rеѕumе.” An еxреrt саn take a good tеmрlаtе аnd make some twеаkѕ hеrе аnd thеrе tо mаtсh hіѕ оr hеr nееdѕ. It may require аdjuѕtіng some оf thе formatting or inserting lоngеr ѕесtіоnѕ than the resume wаѕ designed fоr. Thіѕ kіnd оf flexibility allows more сrеаtіvіtу аnd

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Tips For Preparing A Elevator Pitch

Interviews are perfect occasions for the elevator pitch to work. This is significant particularly when the candidate faces the famous question of ‘explain yourself’. During such instances, elevator pitches help the candidate gain confidence in introducing him to company representatives. For not missing the decisive opportunity, here are some tips on preparing an ideal elevator

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Career trends: The important skills you’ll need for Job

Demographics, cultural trends, and new technologies are rapidly changing the job market. People are living much longer than we used to. New technologies and automation are rapidly replacing repetitive jobs. New communication tools are eliminating formerly popular mediums for disseminating information (good-bye printed newspapers) at the same time as requiring more advanced media literacy skills for most

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